Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Reflection

            My reflection wow this was a class that I went in blind folded and didn’t know what to expect. I was a little skeptical about this class, I guess just the word technology scared me for so long I have only used these technologies to stay in touch with friends and family so to use them as a teaching tool wow. I have used the internet and such other technology tools while I was deployed, I took online courses then I used them as a student but to change roles was a scary challenge. So going in to this class I knew it was going to be a challenge because I have never been in a classroom teaching environment just as a student so to ask me to put a lesson plan and use these technology was asking a lot. As the semester went on and we started getting into our assignments I found myself getting a little more comfortable with the lessons. I also found myself getting computer literate and enjoying the course and getting rid of my jitter bugs.

The more I found out about the use of technology in the classroom and how great of a tool and resource it is I was shocked to use and find out how little it was shunned and frowned upon in the classroom. All the great information sources at our finger tips that could be used in education to grab the attention of today’s youth was eye opening. These were simple technologies we used every day, many people are only used to using these for everyday things and we take for granted. To use this in the classroom was a great idea and this course helped see the bigger picture and how simple technologies we use on a daily basis can be used to teach. The future is in our hands, we have the technology and resource to make a difference or even change it so this course has thought me how to use the technologies.

 I know that what I learned from this course is just the tip of the sword but has set me off on the right path for me to continue my teaching journey. So in my final thought I feel that I have expanded my knowledge as far as what technologies can be used in the classroom and how to use them the right way effectively. Great Course and my Web 2.0 always be with you and remember that this was just a stepping stone of our journey and the world of possibilities lay ahead and wow am I looking forward to what’s next.

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